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Mundo do Cinema, by Jr. Schutt Costa . 31/10/2013


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Love is always complicated. Sometimes it is as complicated as life itself while human beings move around in search of themselves, of a meaning, of somebody to share the journey with. The desire is usually unexpected, passion rises between two bodies, and there’s nothing one can do to prevent from love. Is love a collective feeling, or is it defined individually, according to each case’s form of manifestation? For a priest experiencing a battle of his own it’s both. Here, the protagonist is transferred to a small town’s parish, where he leads a group of young delinquents, in order to reintegrate them into society. He carries with him the mysteries of an unsolved matter occurred where he once performed the same social activity. His self strength and equilibrium are about to collapse and challenge his principles, when he becomes involved in the boys’ troubled emotions, becoming aware of their most intimate behavior and aspirations. As he’s battling himself, his strength is completely admirable, demonstrating the powerful soul of the film, especially as he struggles to perform his religious authority without interfering in the progress. The residents of the small countryside village in Poland, are moved by his presence, while a wave of weakness and desire approaches them, leading them into prohibited and dangerous situations. As Priest Adam is fighting to preserve his abilities, beliefs and principles, he’s put in test by an avalanche of seduction, forcing him to decide for his own sake, between what he believes is right or wrong. Director Malgoska Szumowska builds a polemic and scandalous drama with a sensitive look on the battle of feelings of the protagonist and the other characters’ desires, with a compassionated touch, and even using the homosexual subject and aspects of rejection into religious material, it never offends or becomes profane. Instead, she denies a position for which the Priest should go, giving him the right of free will. It simply tells the story of forbidden love, focusing on the characters’ battles, incorporated by an excellent Andrzej Chyra as Priest Adam, and a fantastic supporting cast in powerful and highly dramatic performances, satisfying with a coherent narrative. (Playing at Film Forum, 209 West Houston Street, NYC. The star of the film, Mr. Chyra will be in attendance at selected screenings for Q&A Sessions. Visit for details)

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