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Mundo do Cinema, by Jr. Schutt Costa . 12/11/2015


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We live in a modern world where society tends to bend over to misguided directions, a direct connection to corruption and decadence. There’s no way to hide the facts, as everything is happening around us, and we struggle as survivors of the worst nightmares ever experienced by human race. Perhaps the most disgusting and revolting fact that haunts families is the disgrace of child abuse, of any sort, especially when it comes to the actions done by someone carrying the title of an authority. A group of competent journalists working for a special program of The Boston Globe, dig deep into the streets of Boston and into the churches, risking their lives and careers as they defy the high authority of the Catholic Church, to expose the disturbing number of child abuse, accusing almost 90 priests in the city alone. The investigation started a few months prior to the WTC attacks, and it was released early in 2002, becoming the greatest scandal ever involving the Church, and also starting a worldwide alert to the issue. Michael Keaton leads the incredible ensemble of journalists, formed by Rachel McAdams and Mark Ruffalo, all giving fantastic performances. The film also highlights the talent of Tom McCarthy as a director, conducting the material with firm hands; his sensitiveness and preciseness were also attributes on his previous films such as “Win Win”, “The Visitor” and “The Station Agent”. Already a contender for the Oscars, the film might scare a little the Academy, due to its rawness exposé of the truth, but its screenplay is definitely poisoned for the Award and Mark Ruffalo gives such an enthusiastic and anxious performance that just can’t be ignored (though personally, I’d rather see him recognized for the lunatic father he played in “Infinitely Polar Bear”). The film finds a way of depicting the issue without attacking the Church itself; it exposes some of them knew about the problem, and didn’t do anything, but its goal is to punish the molesters and not to interfere in anyone’s faith. The most investigative film of the season is also one of this year’s best: it will break your heart as it reveals the darkness that lives among us, showing we can’t avoid it, but we can prevent it.

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A stupendous examination on faith and sacrifice, Dietrich Brüggemann’s drama follows the painful journey of a girl devoted to her radical Catholic beliefs, planning to sacrifice herself for the cure of her little autistic brother. Constructed accordingly to Jesus’ walk to crucifixion, the film carries important messages of salvation, throughout the metaphorical situations and crucial dialogs, taking the audience to a self-analysis of faith and commitment with the Truth. Its power is relevant and tolerant to all religions. Don’t miss it! (On DVD by Film Movement)

Fato Policial by Roger Costa . 12/11/2015

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Agenda Cultural, by Roger Costa . 12/11/2015

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