Agenda CulturalNotícias

Agenda Cultural: 15th May, 2024


By Roger Costa


Brazilish Productions debuts in Manhattan launching the NY Brazilian Film Series, a multi cultural event celebrating and showcasing Brazilian Culture in the USA.

For its first edition, the NY Brazilian Film Series will feature a vibrant range of artistic expressions including film, music, visual art, literature and a forum.

The night kicks off with the highly anticipated screening of acclaimed documentary “Kobra- Self Portrait”. It won the Best Documentary Award at Last Year’s Grande Premio Cinema Brasileiro, which is the movie-awards equivalent to the Oscars in Brazil.

The film tells the story of the worldwide renowned graffiti artist in his own words while giving samples of his incredible work as an artist and as a peace activist. His art can be seen in various galleries around the world, as well as in large scale murals in New York, Miami and others.

Produced by Roger Costa and hosted by TV Reporter and Comedian Amadeu Maya, the event continues with a live conversation with 96-year-old author Athaide de Moraes as he releases his memoirs, “As Nove Dezenas de Tata e a Marinha do Brasil”. The book chronicles his long journey as a Black man from the favelas to the Marine, as well as becoming an important figure and leader in his community after graduating college and migrating to America.

While participants can sip and savory Brazilian traditional drinks and appetizers provided by Altas Horas Lanches, emerging graffiti artist Reflexo Inexoravel will finalize an artwork he’s been crafting specially for this occasion. The canvas will be displayed on stage, the same place where Batala NY a group of female percussionists will wrap up the evening with an energized, vibrant demonstration of Brazilian rhythms and music influences.

The event takes place on Sunday May 19th from 5 pm to 8 pm at Cinema Village, 22 East 12th Street, Manhattan. Tickets $20 includes the reception with a complimentary Brazilian drink and snacks.


Roger Costa hails from Bahia, Brazil and has been working in the cultural scene since his early teen days. As a journalist and art columnist he wrote for the largest northeast newspaper, A Tarde in Salvador and to Brazilian Voice in the late 90’s covering films such as “Central Station’ and “City of God”. He then moved on to Brazilian Press Newspaper. He has been with the news company for 15 years now, writing community pieces and mostly art essays. For the past two years, Roger Costa has been creating community engagement events, showcasing Brazilian culture in the US. His first major hit was the 2023 Carnaval Party at the Newark Museum of Art which gathered almost 2 thousand partygoers. There, people had a chance to discover Brazilian music, dance, rhythms, experiencing a sample of the most popular and largest street party in the world. Next he went on to organize the Opening Night party and film selection for the 49th Newark Black Film Festival. The night was filled with another example of Brazilian culture and rhythms, hosted by Marivaldo dos Santos’ special musical performance and the film selected “Medida Provisoria” directed by Lazaro Ramos won the Best Film Award at the historical and celebrated festival. He also creates the idea of his events, including the performances’ aesthetics. Later in that same year, Mr. Costa was the host for the “Elis & Tom” documentary NY Premiere, which had a special live musical presentation as well from sax king Ze Luis. He also developed a second Brazilian Carnaval at The Newark Museum of Art this year, embracing diversity and modernity. Currently he is organizing a multi-cultural exhibition and perfomance forum in honor of Portugal Day, celebrating the heritage of Portuguese language. The upcoming NY Brazilian Film Series is his first solo attempt at producing a cultural event. The goal is to celebrate Brazilian culture, showcase artists and their talents.

Images of Roger Costa’s previous events:

For further information contact Roger Costa at (973) 745-8756 or email

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